Digital Marketing


2023 Marketing Trends

With the upcoming new year, new marketing trends will be emerging. As marketers, our role has become broader than ever. Marketing will have to be more inclusive and connected to real stories and consumer needs. Here are some of our forecasted industry trends for 2023.  Employee Engagement  While not exactly a marketing strategy, employee knowledge and communication with clients build

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Influencer Marketing in B2B Transactions: How Can It Help Your Brand?

Over the past few years, marketing has taken on a different persona. Influencer marketing has become one of the largest trends in the marketing world and is only growing. To understand how influencer marketing can benefit B2B firms, let`s first define what influencer marketing is, how it operates, and any pros and cons that come along with it.  What is

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Why Should Marketers Pay Attention to Cybersecurity?

In our digital world, cybersecurity has become at the forefront of keeping our information safe and protected from hacks and leaks. As marketers, we may ask what does cybersecurity have to do with our careers? While a direct connection between cybersecurity and marketing may not come to mind, marketing departments can and often do pose as the largest targets for

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Finding Your Target Audience on Social Media

Social media is all about connecting with your audience and growing your platform. Here are some easy tips to optimize your social media presence and keep your audience growing.  Find Your Audience`s Platform An essential part of creating content for social media is finding out where your audience is, and this has everything to do with demographics and tailoring your

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AI In Marketing: Benefits and How to Use It

AI, or artificial intelligence, is the imitation of human thought and intelligence by machines and computer systems. Its abilities can range from language processing to speech, and even vision.  AI operates through specialized hardware and software that feeds the bot large quantities of information. Then, the information is categorized and analyzed for patterns that allow the bot to make predictions

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Advanced SEO and Website Content: The Topic Cluster Model

When a potential client or customer uses a search engine to find products or services you offer, of course, you want your website to rank higher in Google’s SERP. How can you engineer your website to make this happen? Keywords are a great start. To take your SEO strategy to a higher level, consider the topic cluster model. SEO started

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Understanding Search Intent and Navigating Keywords

Search intent is a key piece of SEO. When using a search engine, users have a goal they are seeking out from the countless pages of websites that come up in the results. Finding what your webpage`s search intent is can help its relevance in search engine algorithms and direct more traffic to your site. In this post, we will

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How to Create Better Content In 2021

It’s hard to find a content marketer who doesn’t know how to adapt to change. Flexibility comes with the territory. But even the savviest among us have been thrown for a loop by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are coming off of a crazy year, and it’s hard to predict changing consumer trends when we can’t even reliably say what next
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The Basics of Text Messaging Campaigns and How to Launch Your Own

Did you know that text messages have a substantially higher open rate than e-mail? Texting isn’t a new marketing initiative but there are still relatively few organizations doing it. Part of the reason is that text marketing – while very personal – can also be very risky. When an unprompted text comes in, it can really feel like an invasion

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