Tag: marketing


Why Should Marketers Pay Attention to Cybersecurity?

In our digital world, cybersecurity has become at the forefront of keeping our information safe and protected from hacks and leaks. As marketers, we may ask what does cybersecurity have to do with our careers? While a direct connection between cybersecurity and marketing may not come to mind, marketing departments can and often do pose as the largest targets for

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Why Storytelling Should be in Your Marketing Plan

Storytelling, at its core, is one of the most natural ways we communicate. It allows us to share our own experiences with the rest of the world and build relationships between those who share commonalities.  Storytelling has a natural emotional appeal. This is advantageous for marketers who want to maintain and grow consumer retention. It provides customers with substance to

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Marketing Design: Building a Visual Brand

When we think of marketing, we may neglect the powerful role design plays. Marketing design, also referred to as visual branding, is a necessary layer to any marketing campaign. It pulls in consumers’ attention, creates an identity for the organization, and overall increases brand awareness. Let’s dive into what marketing design is and what makes effective marketing design.   What is

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The 80% Difference in Successful Marketing Planning

Recently, I attended a luncheon for the Baldwin Brentwood Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. The guest speaker was David Goldman. He’s a motivational speaker and life coach, and he talked about the road to happiness: how to get on it if you’re not, and how to stay on it if you are. As he spoke, some of his discussion points became
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