

How to Achieve High SERP Rankings

Achieving a high result on a search engine result page, also called SERP, is a significant key in driving traffic to your site and building brand awareness. This all starts with effective SEO, the most accurate information as possible about your organization, and taking advantage of a few features Google and other search engines have to offer.  Improve Your Local

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Influencer Marketing in B2B Transactions: How Can It Help Your Brand?

Over the past few years, marketing has taken on a different persona. Influencer marketing has become one of the largest trends in the marketing world and is only growing. To understand how influencer marketing can benefit B2B firms, let`s first define what influencer marketing is, how it operates, and any pros and cons that come along with it.  What is

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Why Storytelling Should be in Your Marketing Plan

Storytelling, at its core, is one of the most natural ways we communicate. It allows us to share our own experiences with the rest of the world and build relationships between those who share commonalities.  Storytelling has a natural emotional appeal. This is advantageous for marketers who want to maintain and grow consumer retention. It provides customers with substance to

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Marketing Design: Building a Visual Brand

When we think of marketing, we may neglect the powerful role design plays. Marketing design, also referred to as visual branding, is a necessary layer to any marketing campaign. It pulls in consumers’ attention, creates an identity for the organization, and overall increases brand awareness. Let’s dive into what marketing design is and what makes effective marketing design.   What is

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The Benefits of Agile Marketing Post-Coronavirus

Now is not the time to idle, especially for marketing departments. Though it is tempting to cut back on marketing during a recession or global crisis like COVID-19, history shows us that the most valuable companies and brands do the opposite in an economic downturn. Increasing marketing spend will produce better long-term results than a more conservative approach, especially right

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The 80% Difference in Successful Marketing Planning

Recently, I attended a luncheon for the Baldwin Brentwood Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. The guest speaker was David Goldman. He’s a motivational speaker and life coach, and he talked about the road to happiness: how to get on it if you’re not, and how to stay on it if you are. As he spoke, some of his discussion points became
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